Paula Metallo
Born in Syracuse, New York and lives in the Marche Region of Italy. She has a BFA from the State University of New York at New Paltz, and graduate studies at the Accademia delle Belle Arti, Urbino, Italy. Co-founder, of the Geological Observatory of Coldigioco, Italy, where the International Big History Association (IBHA) was established on August 20, 2010. Teacher of The Science of Aesthetics, in a 12 week Environmental Studies Program with (Associated Colleges of the Midwest) Her exhibitions include Rimanere Colpiti (Awstruck) at a Penrose Conference on climate history in Ancona (Italy). (UN)Measuring The World, with the Humboldt Museum of Natural History in Berlin. Impact Art at the Reiskrater-Museum in Nördlingen (Germany); and Aspettando Il Prossimo (Waiting for the Next One) about Italians and earthquakes, curated by Achile Bonito Oliva, Gibellina, Sicily.
In 2018 the new work is presented in a brochure for the Big History Conference at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, titled Take and Give, it addresses North American environmental history.
Her website is at