Aitken crater: an impact crater on Earth's Moon. Roughly 2500 km in diameter and 13 km deep, it is the second largest known impact crater in the entire Solar System.
Humboldt crater: is a large lunar crater that is located near the eastern limb of the Moon. It has a diameter of 207 km, the depth and age are unknown.
Vredefort crater: this crater has a diameter of roughly 250-300 km and makes it the largest known confirmed impact structure on Earth. The age is estimated to be over 2 billion years (2,023 ± 4 million years). The asteroid that hit Vredefort is one of the largest to ever impact Earth, estimated at over 10 km wide.
Chicxalub crater: is an ancient impact crater buried underneath the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The crater is more than 180 km in diameter. The impacting bolide that formed the crater was at least 10 km in diameter. The impact associated with the crater is implicated in causing the extinction of the dinosaurs as suggested by the K-T boundary.
Popigai crater: Siberia, Russia. A large bolide impact created the 100 km diameter crater 35.7 ± 0.2 (2σ) million years ago.
Nordlinger Ries crater: is a large circular depression in western Bavaria, Germany. The city of Nordlingen is located about 6 kilometers southwest of the centre of the depression. The depression is interpreted as a meteorite impact crater formed about 14.3 million-14.5 million years ago. The original crater rim had an estimated diameter of 24 km.
Bosumtwi crater: Ghana. The Lake Bosumtwi impact crater is 10.5 km in diameter, slightly larger than the present lake, and is estimated to be 1.07 million years old (Pleistocene period).
Gardnos crater: is a meteorite impact crater in the area known as Nesbyen in Hallingdal, Norway. It is 5 km in diameter, and was created when a meteorite with an estimated diameter of 200-300 m struck 500 million years ago.
Kaalijarv crater: Estonia, 1809, 0.110 km diameter.
Sikhote Alin crater: Russia, 1947, 0.026 km diameter.
2008 Mimbres Bowls, Nature Made Holes
Mixed media on Shrinky Dink plastic, 7 cm diameter each, 10 pieces.
Crater bowls: set in order of crater size, this series describes and measures the power of nature.